Now what?

I opted to keep this to wall hanging size, with 36 squares. For me, the biggest challenge comes when all the squares are complete, the stage when they have to be joined together.  When you happily sew square after square, without an overall plan, well, you get what you get, and then you have to deal with them.

At this stage, I spread out what I have, to get an overall view. (If you're happy with the way they come together the first time, good for you! Celebrate! That's never happened for me.) Then I begin sorting the squares into groups. It might be light/medium/dark, or it might be by background color dominance, or some other characteristic that I want to highlight. You could probably come up with some categories I hadn't even thought of...

I usually end up spending lot of time and energy before deciding on the final version, but this time seemed to go a bit quicker- perhaps because it is a smaller size. In this case I experimented with random placement (on the left) and placement that evolved from the way I had classified the squares when sorting them (on the right).

Which would you have chosen?


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