A Profound Quote to Start the Year

"In these times there is a powerful demarcation between the surface and the deep currents of human development.

Events and upheavals, which seem more profound than they really are, are happening on the surface.

But there is another and deeper change in progress. It is a long, steady persistent growth, very little affected and not at all disturbed by surface conditions.

The artist of today should be alive to this deeper evolution on which all growth depends, has depended and will depend."

Robert Henri, The Art Spirit (originally published 1923)

This year I'm adopting the "Dry January" theme and applying it to my use of technology. How much unproductive time I've been wasting with it! Only a few days in, but I've put aside iPad games and am staying up to date on news through headlines or occasional articles rather than gathering information that will be out of date in the next 24 hour news cycle. (Perhaps that's why this quote seemed to strike a chord with me.) 

With all these new found moments, I'm taking the time to read. This has become focused hours to ponder subjects I care about, things that are meaningful to me.

I found this gem, The Art Spirit by Robert Henri in an independent book store (Bart's Books in Ojai, CA) last year and I'm drinking in the wisdom of this artist/teacher. Honestly, I wish I'd had a copy as an art student way back when. Not only does Henri include his philosophy on art but he shares very practical advice on such things as painting technique, composition, portraiture and color in sections like "Backgrounds" and "Brush Stroke." 

Great resource for the visual artist at any point of development. Highly Recommend.    


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