
Showing posts from October, 2020

US Election Day is Almost Here!

Take Heart, and Do Your Part ... VOTE! The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide  that you are not going to stay where you are.   Chauncey Depew  

Project: VOTE Quilt 2020

'Tis the Voting Season!!!  VOTE 2020 This 48x62 inch wall hanging was started in September 2019, just as the upcoming US election was beginning to gain steam. It was finished in September... a year in the making.  Different typefaces were used for the word "vote" and constructed in the piecing, appliqué and reverse appliqué techniques for a loose border. The center text is reverse appliquéd, (except for the circles and letters' centers, which were appliquéd.) There are 51 quilted stars representing the 50 states and Washington DC. For a little nod to history, 13 stars symbolizing the original colonies were quilted in red or blue and form a halo over "You." In choosing this selection of font styles, varying the word sizes, and working with different combinations of the limited red, white and blue color palette, I was trying to bring an awareness of the many voices that make up our nation. Each voter is unique and brings a different blend of background, cultur

Project: Pieced, Appliqué, and Reverse Appliqué words

A New Text Quilt Continuing to explore the options for creating text with fabric, my latest project began as a study of one word in different font styles. The word above was appliquéd, the technique of sewing a fabric shape onto the background fabric. In this example, the "O" is constructed with multiple layers: a white oval of background fabric, appliquéd to a red circle, attached to the background white. The word below is traditional piecing; seaming strips of the star blue fabric with straight lined shapes of the navy background. And this last example is reverse appliquéd, shown here in it's final form with outline quilting. With reverse appliqué the background fabric is placed on top of the fabric that will become your shape. Then the shape is cut out of the top fabric and its edges turned under revealing the fabric beneath it. The background fabric it sewn to the shape, in effect reversing the traditional appliqué process where the shape is sewn to the background.  T