Summer project finally revealed

 Blue Improvised Silhouette

I worked on this piece over the summer and finished it time to enter it in a juried show at the end of August. It didn't get in, . . . oh well. This is a good time to reveal this quilt. Its icy palette of blue and aqua is really appropriate for the winter season.
This year I've focused most of my creative energy on improvisational appliqué. The remnant cut away blue scraps from an earlier appliqué project were rearranged on a solid white for this composition. I wanted to see if I could change the nature of the white fabric through dense stitching which would add a second color. The silhouette of the blue was rotated and outlined so white shapes emerge against the compressed subtle aqua texture.

My hope was that the blue contour would appear to hover over the white contour and they would both pull forward visually to float over the delicately tinted background.

View of this quilt back 


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