Project: Baby's Burp Cloth

Baby Shower Idea Our quilt guild members are sewing flannel burp cloths for the neonatal care unit at our local hospital. This is a quick, easy project and a great way to use up some scraps. These burp cloths measure 7 x 18 inches, a nice size to throw over the shoulder to protect clothing from anything that might come up while holding baby. Rounded corners are safest. They can be drawn by lining up a small circular object with the horizontal and vertical edges at the corners, (I used the bottom of a child's pencil sharpener.) Two 7.5 x 18.5 inch lengths of fabric are sewn with right sides together using 1/4 inch seam allowance. Be sure to leave a couple of inches open on one of the sides. The rounded corners are clipped above the stitching, to maintain the curve, before turning it right side out and pressing. Match up the two sides at the opening and stitch it closed. Continue around the edge to give them a nice finish. New moms are always searching around for someth...