Checking in at the Beach

Back in December, I posted about the remembrance/ kindness rock garden that someone started in a planter on the walk along the Ventura Beach Bike Trail. 

Just thought I'd report back. It has grown quite a bit! 

It seems to me that there is also a lot more variety in the rock painting now. More voices are apparent. Some are simply decorated, and others have clearly taken a good deal of time in the creating. 

Even the presentation is an artistic expression.

As I was taking in the messages, colors, and artistry, a woman with supplies in hand wandered up, ready to do some work. She shared that about eight people are contributing to the rock garden. They aim to touch lives and spread some cheer to beach visitors. People are encouraged to take a rock from the kindness section, as a memento of their trip to the beach. Since tourists from all over come to California beaches, Ventura kindness rocks are finding homes across the country and around the world. 

(To read more about this effort check out this link:

And of course the work of the rock balancers are ever present at the water's edge. 
For some reason I'm drawn to these balanced shapes. Perhaps some day it will inspire a quilt.

This lone balancing act reminded me of a yoga pose.

So glad people share their creative vision at the beach. 

It definitely adds some interest to the walk.



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