The Last Seam of a Quilt Top

The Last Seam The final seam of the quilt top has been sewn! The picture above shows the last two pieces pinned and ready to sew, exposing some of the quilt's reverse side with seam allowances, hanging threads, frayed edges, and all. There were four rather large panels and the trick became filling in the spaces between them with my ever dwindling remaining inspiration fabric and the odd little shapes I had created which didn't find a spot in the four panels. With some adjustments, they each eventually found their place. In the end, all that remains of the original fabric is two or three squares, no bigger than an inch, ... I would have found a place for them too, if they were any larger. 😆 There is, however, ample left overs of some of the other fabrics which I will use for the quilt back, as I don't foresee them fitting in any other project. Next week I hope to report that the quilting is well underway!