A Couple More Highlights- Woodlawn Needlework Show (3 of 3)

A Couple More Highlights  (3 of 3)

Just a few more highlights from the 2019 Woodlawn Needlework Show worth mentioning...

Joan Mashburn from Virginia did all the needlework for the upholstery of this chair. According to the docent on duty she worked each section of the chair as if it were it's own project (the birds of the seat cushion, the back cushion, the map on the back of the chair, etc.), so that the whole project wouldn't feel so overwhelming. Great idea for those really big undertakings!

Ausra Merkelyte from Lithuania created this ethereal, delicate dandelion head in an embroidery hoop. (It won the 2019 Judge's Choice Award.)

The show also featured special exhibits of needle artists. Catherine Hicks used needle, thread and wire to create three dimensional pieces- portraits and homages to artists.

It's especially interesting to make note of presentation at these shows. The right matting, careful attention to how the work is displayed, complements and even enhances the piece for the viewers' enjoyment.

So much skill and artistry to appreciate at shows like this! We can bring those qualities of workmanship, proficiency, precision, creative vision, joy, beauty to our little corner of the world and let it inspire our own work... until the next show...


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