A Closer Look (3 of 3) An expert could examine the fabric patterns and its condition in order to date the center of this quilt accurately. I believe the original quilter had sewn on a machine, so it can't date too far back... A lot of these four square blocks contain a plaid, and I would guess that they are all cottons. But my teen-aged self didn't really seem take that into account when I chose scraps to construct new blocks. Apparently, I just used what was on hand in the scrap box. (I don't think I even considered fiber content.) I may not be able to say when the quilt was started, but, because I recognize fabrics from my clothing projects, I have a pretty good idea of when this was finished. I remember having to problem solve when the pink ran out- it was impossible to match exactly. So, I switched to white solid blocks for two rows. The remaining original squares were interspersed with the new four square blocks. It is a...