Real Life Color Observation (3 of 3)

I had to stop to take a picture of these homes because, as you will notice, it is an example of complimentary colors from the color wheel, (in this case, yellow and violet), harmoniously standing side-by-side. Adding the pale blue of the house on the left to this scene makes for a nice combination. Notice that the violet is not "full strength", but is a tint of the spectrum color.

(If you missed the post about complimentary colors take a look at this link: )

While we were driving around I wanted to drop by the Mes Amis Quilt Shop because I was curious about the Mardi Gras themed fabrics they mention on their website.

I found a nice selection of colorful, fun themed fabrics, and pleasant people to help. It got me wondering if different quilt shops at different locations specialize in fabrics themed for their region. Would a shop by the beach have more "beachy" fabrics than, say, a store in a mountainous or desert community? And though I think I know what to expect in a fabric shop here in the US, are they set up differently elsewhere? Going to start including quilt shops in my travel agenda more often...


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