Travel Log- New Orleans (1 of 3)

We recently took a trip to picturesque, lively, and dynamic New Orleans, where one seems to be surrounded by splashes of color! Just driving down the street, you are treated to artists' work on almost every corner. I always find it fascinating to see how individuals in a group of creatives each produce something unique when given an assignment with the exact same parameters (in this case, a large rectangular box). The variety of themes and styles was so interesting that I began collecting these photos of electric boxes- much to the frustration of my family, who were only really interested in getting to the next restaurant.

Frequently the images on the boxes were a tribute to something close by, like a hospital,...

or a clock across the street...

and there were lots of flora and fauna depictions, 
which were great inspiration for color combinations.

It took me several attempts to get a picture of this one... finally we hit a red light!

Love the color story on this one, might be a nice combination for a quilt...

Of course there are so many that I couldn't capture, and didn't even learn more about this great community project, check out this link:


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