A Follow Up

Shifting Contour

When last you heard of this quilt it had been saved from the scourge of fabric bleeding. But I never posted the whole quilt. So here it is. 

I have called it Shifting Contour because, in my mind, the patterned fabric plays the role of the background on the left side of the piece. On the right side, the patterned fabric moves to the foreground and becomes a solid shape against the cream background. It is an experiment with the concept of negative space.

This year our local guild has taken the lead from our parent organization, the Modern Quilt Guild, and focused on a specific topic each quarter. They covered categories which can be found in the annual QuiltCon quilt show: modern traditionalism, applique, negative space, and minimalism. 

I found defining these terms has been really helpful, as sometimes it's difficult to identify why a certain quilt is in a category, in which category a quilt "belongs" when entering it, and even how to deliberately incorporate these design concepts in our work.

After gaining a little better understanding of negative space in quilting, I was inspired to see if I could capitalize on that new awareness in an improvised composition. It feels like this design element is beginning to solidify for me, and is something to be more conscious of in future projects. Even if it's not reading as I intended in this piece, it looks like it could be a fruitful avenue of exploration.    


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