Long Awaited Finish
The color palette on this piece may seem familiar to regular readers. The shapes of this improv. quilt are the scraps that were cut away from previous projects. The composition grew organically when they were arranged to create new shapes on a hand dyed length of fabric that is a washy blend of orange, sepias, and reds, with a dash of black.
I acquired that piece of fabric, along with several others, from a talented quilter and colorist who decided to move on to other pursuits. This has been a source of inspiration as I look for ways to incorporate these fabrics in some of my work. She was also the source of a stash of embroidery thread, meticulously sorted. With her color selection in hand, I'm motivated to explore to new color combinations in future projects.
Not to worry, just a quick trip to my local source of embroidery floss. But no. Three or four stores later and no one had this specific color in stock. It wasn't until exhausting all the brick and mortar possibilities that I realized I had been pursuing something that didn't exist, at least in my familiar brand of embroidery floss. Once I identified the correct brand, I found it online. In Turkey. It was over a month in getting to me.
The waiting was not an unproductive time though. I now have three appliquéd projects that are waiting to be quilted. I don't necessarily like to have unfinished projects waiting for attention. I'd rather have a pipeline of ideas waiting for execution. But I do look forward to getting these pieces quilted. I just want to be sure I have enough thread to get to the last stitch!
Stay tuned.
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