Q=A=Q exhibit in Auburn NY


Last weekend we had the wonderful adventure of a trip to upstate New York. The occasion was the opening of this year's Q=A=Q show at the Schweinfurth Art Center. Two of my pieces were juried into the show: "Applique Gradation" (top) and "Reverse Applique Gradation" (bottom).

Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn, New York

The Schweinfurth Art Center hosts this international juried show each year, giving creators the opportunity to present their work in a gallery setting. And it is really a lovely gallery space. Each piece is well lit and displayed with space to breath, so the viewer can take in a piece up close and at a distance without crowding others. 

I hadn't been to an art opening since my art school days. Pretty exciting! 

Jurors Chawne Kimber and Irene Roderick have pulled together an amazing collection of modern quilts. Gorgeous color palettes, interesting compositions, bold designs; this show features an amazing array of voices from the modern quilting world. 

The Q=A=Q show will be on display through January 7, 2024. If you're in the Auburn area, do stop by to see this in person. It's really cool, innovative stuff. 

You can also take a virtual tour through this link:  https://schweinfurthartcenter.org/quiltsartquilts-2023/

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And it was a special treat that this trip coincided with nature's awesome display of beautiful autumn colors. Coupled with the excitement of participating in the show, and meeting other creators to see their work and exchange ideas, this was a rejuvenating, creatively inspiring weekend.



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