Episode on Instagram


Honestly, interaction with social media is a relatively new phenomenon for me. Ten years ago I scoffed at the idea, for so many reasons, not the least of which was what I perceived as the pitfalls of being so attached to technology. I had no interest in any of it, until I decided I had something to share: my work and perspective on creating. So I started this blog, then branched out with an Instagram account in the same name. 

Predictably, I've had to learn to balance activity on these forums with actually creating work, not to mention a personal life. Sometimes I'm more successful than others. Lately I've been focusing on short posts to Insta, using it to direct viewers to the blog for detailed information on a new project, an experience, etc. There's still a tension between working on what I love and telling people about it, but things have been going pretty smoothly, . . .

Until last weekend, when an issue I had quietly dreaded presented itself. I woke up to the message from a vigilant friend who let me know that someone used my name and picture to start a new account. Further investigation showed that other friends had already started to follow the new account! NOOOO!

What to do in this situation? Well, first, I had to put aside the stunned sense of being violated and focus on taking care of it. Addressing the issue is pretty simple:

1) Pull up the fake account, and tap the top right corner ellipses, (the three dots.) A menu of actions will come up. 

2) Tap "Report," then follow the directions to report the account as fake. You will get a notification that the complaint has been received.

Now this might feel too simple, like you need to do more. At least I did. I chose to handle it with a bit of humor in my story. This is appropriate for brief updates and "in the moment" messages to those who follow the account.

(To add to your story tap the "+" sign at the top right of your account page, as you would to make a regular post, and then tap "Story" to compose your message.)

Letting people know what was going on was really empowering! Especially since friends and family had already been checking in and reporting the fake. By the end of the day, Instagram had removed the offending impostor. 

So now I'm a bit more confident that I can navigate potholes, detours, and bumps in the road on my reluctant journey with technology.

Peace regained.




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