A Happy Announcement

This week I got the news that three of my quilts have been juried in to the Modern Quilt Guild's annual show, QuiltCon 2023!  

Idea Crystalizing- Q is for Quilt #2

Choosing what will be included in a show is just the first stage of putting it together. 2089 quilts were submitted for consideration and the jury chose 481 quilts for the show, which will be in Atlanta, Georgia, this February. Once the quilts have all been gathered, they will go through another round of judging for awards. 

( Check out this link for more about QuiltCon: https://quiltcon.com/quiltcon-2023/)

Quilter's Energy- Q is for Quilt #3

It sounds corny, but it really is humbling to be included in this event. The Modern Quilt Guild has branches around the world and it's members are awesomely talented and inspiring.

Influencing- Q is for Quilt #4

For my part I need to prep these pieces with labels and hanging sleeves before they're shipped off. So there's another thing to add to my "to do" list, . . . that and make some reservations. Looking forward to exploring Atlanta and meeting more of the quilting community!! 


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