Started a new project


I've started a new project in my "Q is for Quilt" series using Kona solid fabrics in lapis blue and lime green.

I'm finding that these two colors photograph very differently depending on the lighting, (as you can see in the three photos I'm sharing here.) This will be something to pay special attention to, if I decide to enter the piece in a show. Juried show entries require good photographic representation of the quilt and that means a color match between the photo and the original is really important.

The first step for this piece was the design:
Rough sketch

Then my drawing was transferred to my darkest fabric. Here I use either a white chalk technical pen, or a tailor's heat erasable pen, for line drawing on fabric. 

I've learned from judges' comments that they really pay attention to the shadows created when a dark fabric shows up under a lighter fabric. So, I've decided to place the darkest fabric on top in the appliqué process, whenever possible.

The two pieces of fabric were basted in place to keep them from shifting while the edges are tacked down with very small stitches.

 And the lime green background shapes are beginning to appear. 


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