Sharing the Latest Project

 Quilt Series # 4: Influencing

Just completed: the fourth in my series of wall hangings based on the letter "Q."

This piece speaks to how quilters and, indeed, all artists and artisans, influence each other. Note that the blue stays blue and the orange stays orange in this piece; they stay true to themselves. But each shape is influenced, and enhanced, by the presence of the other color.  

Through the sharing of our creations we expose the viewer to new skills, techniques and ideas. They are inspired by a different approach, a novel way of creating, the expression of an individuality. 

Often that inspiration leads one to incorporate something fresh into an their own body of work. Rather than just copying what's presented, the artist opens thought to the great possibilities for experimenting and challenging their creativity. This in turn leads to even more original work. And so we nourish one another's unique voice.  

I've taken to using more traditional fabrics as backing to these modern pieces. It's a bit cheeky, I suppose, but it makes me smile to think that, unless they flip it over, most people won't even know it's there. 

Detail of the back side of the quilt shows the quilting.

The hand quilting was done with embroidery floss and pearl cotton. For the first time I decided to keep track of how much thread I used: three skeins each of the royal blue and orange embroidery floss and 7 skeins of white pear cotton.


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