Project Finished, . . . Finally!

 Presenting: Quilter's Energy

Quilter's Energy is the third in a series of quilted wall hangings based on the curves and lines of the letter "Q."

Why "Q?" Because "Q" is for Quilt, of course. 

I started this piece as a part of the Ventura Modern Quilt Guild 100 Day Challenge. We're half way through that challenge now and I expected to be on to the next project at this point. But life got in the way. 

Plus as the quilting was coming together I started thinking about how to finish off the edges and realized I didn't have any spare avocado fabric for a binding. Off I went to the quilt store where I'd bought it and, lo and behold, they didn't have any more. 

Predictable. I had to special order it, so there was another delay. (Don't know how many times I have to go through that before I learn the lesson to buy what I need all at once.)

Any way, I'm pleased with the final result. It was a chance to practice French knots for a tufted look in the pink areas, and now I've added that to my repertoire.


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