
Showing posts from May, 2022

In Observance of Memorial Day

Memorial : something designed to preserve the memory of a person or event,     as a monument, periodic observance, etc.    Monday is Memorial Day here in the states, a day set aside in memory of dead military personnel who fought for their country. The first such observance was in 1868, to commemorate fallen Civil War soldiers. Unfortunately, there have been many conflicts since then and this holiday has come to memorialize the casualties from all US wars.  For many it also marks the beginning of summer. But too many people will not be celebrating the beginning of summer this year. Some won't have the privilege of seeing the summer unfold, others have lost someone special and there isn't anything to celebrate. With so much going on in the world, and in our country, right now, I hope that this holiday weekend will include some quiet reflection. Could there be a more appropriate time to ask ourselves: "Is the current version of the United States of America t...

Linen Closet- Another Family Quilt

Thought I'd share another quilt from my grandmother's house. It's creator and the date of its construction are unknown. The quilt top design is all triangles that form a simple lattice on point, or on the diagonal. The quilter added interest to the centers by using two subtle fabrics, a pink and a grey, against which the lattice pops. If I had to take a guess, I would say the fabrics used in the quilt top are from the Depression era; simple, small patterns which may have been more vibrant at one time but now wear a softer hue. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean it was pieced in that time frame. Quilters are notorious hoarders of fabric and it's not uncommon for fabrics to wait in the "stash" for years before they find a place in a project.   What's really cool about vintage quilts is that, in the absence of any documentation, they give us the opportunity to do a little sleuthing and hypothesizing. One interesting thing about this quilt is its back...

Project Finished, . . . Finally!

 Presenting: Quilter's Energy Quilter's Energy is the third in a series of quilted wall hangings based on the curves and lines of the letter "Q." Why "Q?" Because "Q" is for Quilt, of course.  I started this piece as a part of the Ventura Modern Quilt Guild 100 Day Challenge. We're half way through that challenge now and I expected to be on to the next project at this point. But life got in the way.  Plus as the quilting was coming together I started thinking about how to finish off the edges and realized I didn't have any spare avocado fabric for a binding. Off I went to the quilt store where I'd bought it and, lo and behold, they didn't have any more.  Predictable. I had to special order it, so there was another delay. (Don't know how many times I have to go through that before I learn the lesson to buy what I need all at once.) Any way, I'm pleased with the final result. It was a chance to practice French knots for a tuf...

Childhood Memories of an Artisan

My grandfather, Frank Miller was a woodworker, a prolific creator.  I have early memories of him going down to his workshop in the basement right after breakfast and not seeing him until he was summoned for lunch with a bell at the bottom of the stair that rang when a line was tugged from the top of the stairs. Oh, how I longed to go with him to that mysterious place. But, with all the power tools and other dangerous equipment, it was determined that I could not join him until I reached an appropriate age. I remember my excitement when that time finally arrived. I sat on a high stool, trying to contain myself for fear of loosing my newly obtained privilege. He puttered about the labyrinth of power tools lit with a series of lights that were connected by string so he didn't have to look for a switch. He would reach up and tug the line to light his way before entering the next room. Our family has numerous boxes with compartments, furniture, and other items he designed and fabricated...