2022, Week 2

New Year, New Projects?

So here we are, in the second week of January, and I haven't created anything since mid December. My hands are itching to get back to work, but I've been having a hard time focusing to start a new project.

No problem with planning new projects. I've made a couple of trips to the quilt shop for some fun colors, and even thought of titles for each project, (LOL). And it's not like I don't already have quilts in various stages of completion that could be finished up. I just need to get past that first hesitancy, the commitment to start.   

In searching for a way to describe this state of mind, the term "activation barrier" came to thought. I want to be accurate, . . . and I was kind of curious about where it came from, . . . plus it would help me procrastinate on this issue. 

Yep, a Google search was in order.

It turns out this is a term used in chemistry. As defined by https://chem.libretexts.org.: "An activation barrier is a sort of energetic hurdle that a reaction must bypass. Some reactions have higher hurdles and some have lower hurdles. . . . molecules can only complete the reaction once they have reached the top of the activation energy barrier. The higher the barrier is, the fewer molecules that will have enough energy to make it over at any given moment."

Translated to human activity: the higher the hurdle standing in the way of our efforts, the smaller the chances of completing that activity. Then, lowering the hurdle to get over the activation barrier is the way to move forward

But the words "energetic hurdle" stood out to me in that definition. This has to do with energy, which Merriam Webster defines as "the physical or mental strength that allows you to do things; natural enthusiasm and effort."

Well, I've expended a lot of energy in cleaning my work space, putting things back where they belong, and vacuuming all the thread off the floor. There are no leftover tasks from holiday festivities calling for attention. I have all the supplies I need and new ideas to pursue, so lack of inspiration or materials are not the hurdle.  


The activation barrier is in my thinking. 

Enough of that! Time to create!!!


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