Project: Crib Quilt

Forgotten Fish Panel

One of the really cool things about quilt guilds is a philanthropy component which is incorporated in their mission to foster the art of quilting. Creating quilts for a organizations which will find homes for them is a wonderful opportunity to share guild members' skills with their community and beyond. 

Recently, I was looking through my stash for some inspiration to create a crib quilt for one of our guild philanthropies when I ran across a small panel that I put together many years ago. This was an experiment with the flying geese block on a blue background of sea coral and fish. It remained unfinished for so long because, to be honest, it came out rather "wonky" and I didn't know what to do with it.

But that was before I acquired the very handy Bosch GTL2, a laser light square which makes it so easy to square up the edges! 

Though I had to lop off quite a bit on every side to make it work, I decided the abstract fish would be a cute focal point for a child's quilt. 

And in my stash I happened to have a great companion fabric. Fortunately, I had plenty of the border fish print to bring to the back as a panel with a dark border, reversing the setting of the front. It was quilted with horizontal wavy lines for a colorful playground full of marine life.

What was once a project that caused a bit of disappointment and frustration finally came together when I let go of preconceived plans and brought a fresh perspective to what I had on hand. In reality it didn't even take that much time to finish it off. Plus, I've used up some of my fabric stash in the process; an all around satisfying outcome.

Wonder what else has been stored away, abandoned as hopeless, in that closet? Maybe it's time to bring some new inspiration to another U F O,  UnFinished Opportunity!




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