West Coast Beach Textures

 Ventura Beach Walk

Today I thought I'd share images from our beach walk in Ventura. 

With these photos, I'm particularly interested in the textures of nature. 

The palm tree below, bursting from the center like fireworks, feels grounded by the downward motion of its old growth, while its neighbors reach for the sun in an upward motion. Quite a contrast of directions.

Obviously there's loads of textures at the beach:

The water's edge is an ever-changing landscape; variations in water depth and the waves can produce some compelling shapes. 

Textures uncovered in stripes along the shore line produce their own composition. (Even the surfers add texture to the water's surface.)

The birds in this photo add a bit of interest, and the vibrancy of beach life, to the smooth, exposed sand.

Much to my family's frustration, I frequently feel compelled to interrupt the momentum of a walk to "stop and smell," (photograph), the flowers along the way. 

Here's that motion of a firework burst repeated several times:

Wow! What started out as a look at beach textures just uncovered a different theme of motion emanating from the center of an object, like palm fronds and the petals of a beach lily, (or the burst of a firework), . . . isn't nature amazing?!


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