Back on Track

Several people have asked about the status of my sewing machine, so this week's post is a final diary entry in my little story. 

Dear, Dear Diary,

I'm so pleased to have my sewing machine back! Sigh, . . . life is good. 

I had resolved to face another weekend without it. Then the guy called around noon last Friday to let me know it was ready. Too bad he couldn't see my happy dance over the phoneI tried to stay cool and collected as he read out all the things he had to fix or adjust; but I was just so excited.

It was a long repair list though.

Turns out it does matter who repairs your equipment. The last person that looked at my machine replaced an important part with a comparable piece that was not for my machine. NOT GOOD. There were a couple of things that weren't functioning at the right calibration, so they were adjusted. That weird clicking sound is gone and the light bulb was replaced. We're back in business and it's sewing like a dream. 

Another benefit to come from this experience? My kitchen floor was already clean when friends arrived for an spontaneous Fourth of July celebration!

I guess there's more than one lesson that can come from this little saga. Maybe, . . . I don't have time to think about it, there's sewing to be done.   


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