Simple, Fun Sweatshirt Project

Creating Your Version of the "Ugly Christmas Sweater" (1 of 2)


Original quick sketch for this project.

An obvious consequence of adhering to stay at home orders is we're all together,... all the time. Right now, many people aren't commuting to work. They plow through assignments without distraction from co-workers, and don't have to dry clean work cloths or feel compelled to run other minor, non-essential errands. It turns out there's a lot more time in the day to be creative. 

And holidays inspire one to create. 

If you hadn't noticed, the 80's vintage "Ugly Christmas Sweaters" have become very popular again as people update and add their own twist to this garment in fun, amazing ways. Recently, in anticipation of a Zoom meeting with this theme, one of our kids was inspired to make one. She sketched out an idea and we got to work together to make this vision a reality.  

    After gathering supplies and tools: sturdy fabric scissors, an iron, Wonder Under Fusible Web (by Pellon), felt squares and scraps, buttons, etc., we cut out the shapes and ironed them down. The basic image for this sweatshirt was fixed in place the first evening. 

You can determine how much dimension your image has by being conscious of how pieces overlap each other. To reduce the bulk of several felt layers, the excess felt under shapes can be trimmed away, leaving about 1/4 inch in overlap. In other areas, building layers will pull the top shape forward visually. 

The next step was to use a zigzag stitch around the shapes to give it a finished look. 

This can be tricky, as you only want to sew on the side of the sweatshirt where the felt has been applied, in this case the front. It may be necessary to stop frequently and adjust the garment so you don't catch the other side of it in the process. 

Once you have your basic image sewn down, it's ready to embellish with fringes, fabric paint, buttons, bows, whatever you can imagine...  


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