Gift Giving Projects

 Linen Closet: Christmas Pillow

Stepping Stones block pattern, created in 2014

For those creative types that plan for homemade gift giving, this is the season to begin holiday projects! It's far more gratifying to take these things at a comfortable pace and relish the process than it is to struggle through the process at the last minute, risking dissatisfaction with the end product. And we all know that trouble shooting under the stress of an approaching deadline does not make for a joyous holiday season. So, there's no time like the present to get started.

The nice thing about going with a holiday theme is that your gift becomes part of a family's holiday tradition. When it comes out of storage for seasonal decorating, it is a gentle reminder of your presence in their lives. The pillow above was created as a wedding gift for a friend who had given us this lovely pillow as a gift for our wedding:

Cathedral Window block pattern

Fortunately, crafts people no longer have to wait for retailers to put out season appropriate supplies. They have gotten wise; fabrics and other items for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Fourth of July, Halloween, autumn/winter, and so much more, are available year round. With all the options at our disposal, there is something to speak to everyone's taste and interests. And a tailor made gift is particularly special when the gift giver is the one who put the time and creative energy into producing it. 

Enjoy creating for the people on your gift giving list!

Note: Both of these patterns are included in Leisure Arts Presents:Encyclopedia of Classic Quilt Patterns, a compilation of 101 block patterns


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