Linen Closet: Insect Themed Baby Quilt

Linen Closet- Insect Themed Baby quilt

If you spend any time in a fabric store you know there are shelves and entire rows dedicated to novelty print fabrics. You could find a fabric with just about any favorite team, character, animal, object, the list goes on and on. Somewhere along the line an inventive quilter came up with a cute way to use these fabrics for a themed quilt... I do not take credit for this idea, but I did borrow it for this insect inspired crib quilt about ten years ago. 

This is a very simple pattern; the jars are rectangles cut at the corners with a right triangle of the background fabric. It is topped with a horizontal rectangle that has a square of background fabric on either end for the lid. That's the block.  

Now that I look at it, it seems to me that the blue jars are the most effective because they look like they're made of glass that has distorted the blue of the background. I chose a consistent spacing for the sashing- the lengths of fabric between the blocks,- and found a fabric that reminded me of wood for shelves. 

If you wanted a more casual or realistic look, the jar sizes and shapes could be varied and randomly spaced to mimic your pantry. I have seen this idea used with food themed fabrics as well; a fun wall hanging for a dining space.  


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