Glitches in Creating

Glitches in Creating

After some time under stay-at-home restrictions, I anticipated having several projects to show for all the time at the sewing machine. In the spirit of "making the best" of a difficult situation, I'd resolved to clear out some space and stream line my work space. UFOs (Unfinished Opportunities, in quilter jargon) were pulled out for completion. 

I wish I could make a big reveal at this point, but I've run into a couple of unexpected glitches which have been compounded by the fact that I've chosen not to take advantage of curbside pick-up service or mail order delivery. I've stubbornly stuck with my goal to get rid of what I've accumulated.

But I'm rapidly running out of thread; several spools of white were the first to go, followed by light gray and remnants of odd colors from long forgotten projects. (More than once I've wondered what I'd made with certain uncharacteristic color choices.) 

And since I've limited myself to what is on hand, I keep running into road blocks. Some projects have progressed to the quilting stage and need a backing fabric. Several new ideas have begun with a promising start only to come to a halt because it needs some element to pull it together. So the line of projects waiting for completion has actually increased,- my UFOs are multiplying! Ironic. 

On the bright side, there are so many projects close to completion that, when I finally do break down and replenish supplies, they should finish up pretty quickly. Won't I look industrious then? 

The moment is coming to place an order, or venture out, and it looks like that moment will coincide with relaxation on retail restrictions. Then I'll be happy to do my part in stimulating the economy with an ever growing shopping list for the fabric store.  



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