The Road to Creativity & Candy Crush

The Road of Creativity and Candy Crush Certainly we have all had those moments of marveling at something truly creative and pondering “how did they think of that?” How indeed. How does one even describe the creative process? It is at once simple and complex, individual and universal, solitary and humanly interconnected. And it is always exciting and inspiring. For an road map of the creative process we might look at something very familiar to computer game enthusiasts: Candy Crush . If, you are not familiar with this game, it is literally laid out in a board game format along which the player advances through a never ending series of challenges. Argue what you will on the merits of computer games, this one documents the evolutionary aspect of creativity. Webster defines the word method as a “system of doing things or handling ideas .” Looking carefully at the process used to create each level in Candy Crush, we might find some hints on "handling ideas"...