Creative Problem Solving

Creative Problem Solving

Southern California has been practicing responsible social distancing and following stay-at-home guidelines for about a month now. While the world takes on these challenges at the macro level, the extreme situations in daily individual experience push us to be creative in the course of just trying to get through this unusual and difficult time. We are forced to adjust and adapt.

For instance, we don’t get to the beach for our walks right now but we still walk the neighborhood, as do others in our community. It reminds me of fast forwarded highway traffic footage showing the ebb and flow of bumper to bumper drivers reacting to each other and making allowances for what comes in their paths. We’ve learned to adjust our pace, cross the street and walk in the bike lanes as we share the great outdoors. It is an opportunity to silently connect with our neighbors by demonstrating an awareness of their presence and a concern for the well-being of all. It has also led to some light hearted passing exchanges about the awkwardness of this new norm.

On our walk Saturday we ran into the Easter Bunny and an odd carrot character in a motorcade. The holiday celebration at the local recreation center had been cancelled so the sheriff’s office brought these characters to the neighborhoods, street by street, with music blaring and sirens going. Further down the street a curious line of traffic formed to make a turn; a drive-by birthday celebration. Sidewalks along the way were chalked with happy messages. All acts of kindness which brought joy to the heart.

Around the world, musicians share their talents with no one in particular, but everyone who can hear them, as the sounds of their instruments fill the air and touch their neighbors. All kinds of entertaining, imaginative videos have been shared. The tech wary are exploring new ways to stay connected with the “outside” world. People are taking up creative pursuits in their new found free time. If you only see desolate streets, empty storefronts, and lost opportunities, you will miss the creative energy which is being tapped to cope with the circumstances.

It is creative problem solving in action. Restrictions have been imposed. Dilemmas have presented themselves. We are rising to meet the challenge. Mankind is being stirred to think in a different way and creative solutions are bound to happen. Whether the impulse comes from meeting a need out of necessity, or a desire to share the bounty of the talents we possess, creativity in action is inspiring,- and moving,- to witness.   


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