VMQG Charity Quilt 2020

VMQG Charity Quilt

This is not my quilt, (but I did contribute two blocks to it, as a member of the Ventura Modern Quilt Guild),...

VMQG Charity Quilt 2020

and this project inspired me to create the text quilt I am just finishing up now. The theme for the quilt was the "spirit of giving". The prompt for block submissions was to "express what making and giving quilts means to you and our guild" in a word or phrase.

It came together beautifully through the creative efforts of the many talented members of our guild. This piece and charity quilts from other guilds will be displayed in Austin, Texas at the annual modern quilt show, QuiltCon, Feb 20-23.

When it returns to us it will take on its purpose of blessing a charitable organization in the  community. I'll keep you posted on its journey.

Check out this link if you're wondering which two words were my contributions: https://creativelifesampler.blogspot.com/2019/09/new-guild-member-2-of-2-my-first.html


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