Before the Final Reveal

Before the Final Reveal
The joining of the two halves of the text quilt was a success.

Yellow topped pins stand out and lead the way on this hem job.

With the right sides of the two tops facing each other, they were seamed leaving the batting free. The edges of batting from the two halves were then aligned to lay flat and a flap on the back was sewn in place to cover the batting on the back of the quilt.

This is definitely a "sampler" quilt; a lot of experimenting was going on here. Some words are "pieced," meaning pieces of fabric are joined together to build the letter/word:

These letters are based on a hexagon.

Others are appliquéd, or a combination of appliqué and piecing:

Or reverse appliquéd:
The wrong side of a reverse appliquéd letter.

And there are a few things to note before I show the completed text quilt. I'll start by saying "Mistakes were made." For instance, I thought that these two fabrics would be interesting together but they were too similar to be effective. They ended up paired with other fabrics for words or used as transitions from solid black or solid white.

I fell for the "matching pattern in different tones" more than once. This seemed like it would be a good idea:

It wasn't. The dark letters recede and the light letters dominate. Putting them on one line didn't work either, for obvious reasons. Eventually they got divided up into new words.

This was an epic fail:

I much prefer this final version:

Now I only have a last little bit of binding the quilt edge to finish up so I can show it to you tomorrow...


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