The Wall of Creative Inactivity

The Wall of Creative Inactivity

I've been trying to make a habit of finishing projects in the old year so I can start fresh in the new year. But, December was a joy-filled whirlwind, and that means it was really unproductive, from a quilting perspective. Anyway, I have at least six quilts "under construction,"- there wasn't much chance that I was going to reach my goal this time around.

Now that things have settled in to the regular routine, I'm getting reacquainted with the sewing room. I have just finished my fortieth "word in fabric"... I think that's enough! Once again I have put myself in the awkward position of having to construct a quilt top with blocks of many different sizes and configurations.

A new challenge. A new puzzle to pull together. What a way to start 2020!

I had been thinking about the exhilaration of starting a project; new beginnings all around. What I found was that renewing my commitment to this project, finishing the last block in order to move on to the next phase, is just as exciting. The key was getting over that wall of creative inactivity.

Once again, I'm looking forward to the process and I'm optimistic that I'll have something to share in the near future.

In the meantime, scale that "wall of creative inactivity", jump over it or go around it, KNOCK IT OVER! The longer the wait, the higher the wall can seem to be. Sometimes it's just a matter of "tying up loose ends," (pun intended for you quilters). But, you know that once you regain your inspiration and get back to creating, it brings such joy to life! 


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