Visit to Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum (1 of 4)

Visit to Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum (1 of 4)

Entrance to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum

Several people recommended the Leonardo DaVinci exhibit which was recently on display in our area. So, in the last week of the exhibit, we spontaneously took a little trip to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum. 

This building sits atop a hill in Simi Valley, California, and sports a gorgeous view of the area. After the dry summer months, the horizon of rolling hills is cloaked in the subtle shades of a taupe palette… mostly brown really... but beautiful none the less.

As you might expect, the Presidential Library houses an extensive collection of artifacts from the life and presidency of the 40th President of the United States. 

Highlights include a model of the Oval Office,...

Air Force One, (the retired plane which transported 7 Presidents around the world), housed in a spectacular multi-storied building,...

and a panel from the Berlin Wall which was demolished in 1989.
This is the side of the wall that faced West Germany; the opposite side is unadorned.

In a speech before recipients of the National Medal of Arts in June 18, 1987, Ronald Reagan is quoted as saying: "Why do we, as a free people, honor the arts? Well, the answer is both simple and profound. The arts and the humanities teach us who we are and what we can be. They lie at the very core of the culture of which we're a part, and they provide the foundation from which we may reach out to other cultures so that the great heritage that is ours may be enriched by, as well as itself enrich, other enduring traditions... "

Given this sentiment, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum seemed to be a fitting venue for the visiting exhibit we were about to see... 


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