Something to Think About- Bill Nye

Something to Think About (1 of 2)

How different our lives would be if this thought were in the back of our mind every time we met someone new! It implies that each human interaction actually holds within it a gem to enrich our experience and expand our knowledge; an unexpected gift from the person whose path happens to cross our path, in the check-out line, on a park bench, in the theater seat beside us, and on and on.

But what if we expected that gift from every interaction? What a joy-filled day we would have; so many presents! 

Underlying this sentiment is an inherent respect for our fellow-beings, and their life experiences. How different the world would be with this kind of "gift-giving" exchange... 

  A flock of birds resting together as the tide comes in on our beach walk. Check out this guy ↑ 

Note: You might know Bill Nye from the 1990's syndicated children's television series, Bill Nye the Science Guy. This show ran for 5 seasons (100 episodes) and won multiple Emmy awards for it's innovative and fast paced format which presented information on science in a creative way. (Yes, he's still out there promoting science. He currently has a Netflix series Bill Nye Saves the World.)


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