Definition of "Inspire"

                             inspire (v)- to inhale
                                              to stimulate or impel as to some creative effort
                                              to arouse a thought or feeling in someone       
                                                                                            (Webster's New World Dictionary)

A few weeks ago a friend gave me a book which she had received but didn't find particularly useful. It was on creative doodling. I put it aside for the same reason.

But, lately I have been trying to make a habit of going to bed with a sense of peace, clearing my thought of the junk from the day. So I picked it up and flipped through its pages before turning out the lights. My initial impression was confirmed,- I don't think I'll be doing any of this doodling. Still, the mission was accomplished. I wasn't thinking about large and small cares and concerns any more.

Creative juices had been stimulated however, and in the morning I woke with a fresh idea for a quilt. Clearly I had been inspired, maybe not by the activity, but certainly by the intent of the author. It had been a natural, unlabored process, like the act of inhaling a breath (found in the first definition above); I had "taken in" the invitation and encouragement to create.

Now, I find that ideas which come in the middle of the night don't always work out. For instance, in a dreamy state, we are often unencumbered by the limitations of the medium in which we work or our own skill level. On the other hand, maybe we are just more open to possibilities and we are challenging ourselves to make our dreams a reality. I'll let you know if this particular idea becomes a quilt.

In any case, I've learned a little lesson not to be so quick to dismiss things that come my way. You just never know where the next inspiration will come from... what will inspire you today?


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