National Quilting Day

National Quilting Day

This Saturday is National Quilting Day!

Since I've just finished up a couple of quilts, I'm ready to start something new. There couldn't be a better day to start than on National Quilting Day when so many other quilters will be happily working away. It will be like one great quilting bee!!

So many many fabric choices... I'm not sure which direction to pursue. Try a new pattern? Experiment with a different technique? Go with an unfamiliar color combination?  I'm just certain that I want a new challenge. And I've decided to bring you along for the ride. I'm going to post the progress of this creation each Monday, until the quilt is finished.

I won't guarantee lots of drama, but hopefully it will be interesting to see the stages of this quilt and the points where choices need to be made in order to move forward. It will be like a home renovation- make a choice on day one and that leads to many, many, many more choices.

But the first choice is to get started... so I'll reveal the project on Monday.

In the meantime: Happy Creating!!!


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