Libraries Still Pull People In (3 of 3)

Libraries Still Pull People In (3 of 3)

I was chatting with a gentleman while I was browsing the used books at one library, and he said, "If you think this is good, you ought to see the Camarillo library!" Well, how could I let that go? My curiosity was piqued.

This is the most amazing community library I have ever seen. I have to share it with you.
I kid you not, I just walked through this place in wonder. It is so inviting, so thoughtfully designed.

The children's wing at the Camarillo Public Library.

What child wouldn't want to explore this 
pirate's cove, and go back again and again?!

Lest you think I didn’t turn over ever stone in my quest to find that cookbook, I should say that I did try the book store… in the middle of the afternoon... after school got out. What I found there was pretty interesting. Scattered among the rows of books, in every corner, at tables, on the floor, all over the place, there were teenagers. They were solo and in groups, chatting, reading, and perhaps studying- you can’t be sure with teenagers. I'm sure adding the coffee shop has helped bring in traffic, but there was so much activity that I commented on it to the salesperson helping me. She assured me this is an every day occurrence. I know the same thing is happening in libraries, and I love that all this activity is swirling around books. 

Ceramic work in one of the nooks of the main library; a padded bench and a column .

You remember when technology was really gaining traction. There were all kinds of predictions of the demise of books. For us bibliophiles, (and bibliomaniacs- people who really love books), they were predictions of a world we didn’t want to know and vowed to resist! But it turns out the publishing industry is alive and well, still profitably publishing books; and people are still reading them, in one form or another.

All new technologies/influences/developments require adaptation/evolution… creative solutions to new situations. So, now that many people are reading e-books, you can electronically check out books from your local library. With more information resources available on the web, you can access them on library computers. Librarians are technology proficient multitaskers. Their work place provides a quiet place to study, rooms to meet (and have conversations), and educational programs for their patrons- busy places indeed. 

This ceramic flooring in near the circulation 
desk looks like a carpet, complete with fringe.

Libraries and bookstores have been forced to evolve in creative and exciting ways; they were given an “opportunity” to grow and meet the current needs of the people who use them. They're rising to the challenge, proving they are still a valuable part of the community. 

Think about it. These are examples of the human capacity to evolve, and creatively adapt. Another option is to shut down and board up the windows... but who wants to do that, when there's so much more to experience?! 


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