More to See in Cambridge (3 of 3)

We wandered in Cambridge around the MIT campus, which, as you might expect, has a modern "techi"  look to it. Check out the ceiling on the entrance to this new building...

and these images from a microscope used as art work on the lobby walls at the Koch Institute... interesting textures and colors.

Then there's the practical stuff. We ran across these inventive solar powered USB ports to recharge your devices as you sit on a park bench in the sun...

and you know I will always make note of a mini library! This one had all kinds of reading materials, including textbooks.

But the most exciting find of the day was this alley off a main street where we stumbled on grafitti artists busy at their work. The funny thing was we smelled the fumes of the spray paint before we even saw the alley! 😝

I wonder how many layers of paint there are on those walls? How many hours spent in this creative pursuit? How many images shared then erased with a new message or image?


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