Happy Halloween, All!

I've been wanting to share the work of my sister-in-law, Debbie Schmidt, for awhile. When I was visiting with her recently, she had her home decorated for Halloween, and I thought "Now's the time!"

(The inside )

Several years ago her husband, Scott, gave Debbie a decorated box and she became interested in creating some herself. So, they took a class together on decorating cigar boxes. Scott takes care of details like lining the boxes and Debbie decorates them. You wouldn't even know they once held cigars.

                                        Alice and Wonderland themed Halloween boxes

These sturdy boxes come in many shapes and sizes. Their original color or packaging design can serve as inspiration for the final product, or the boxes can be treated as a blank canvas for some new theme.

Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven themed boxes

Top, interior, and bottom 

Supplies can come from all kinds of sources. Debbie uses scrap booking papers, coasters, small accessories, knobs, and other miscellaneous items to enhance her designs. She has created boxes celebrating all occasions ...

                                                                          Fourth of July


 ...and more.

Debbie shared that when she first started this creative outlet, cigar shops were throwing these boxes away. (Shop owners have since caught on to their popularity; now they can be obtained for a small price.) Her creations are a labor of love, and I thought you might appreciate how she is transforming trash into treasure boxes.


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