Post 100

In grade school some of my children’s teachers celebrated the 100th day of school with counting, using the opportunity to teach concepts revolving around the number 100. I’m sure this gave them a better understanding of quantity when they counted out one hundred pennies, candies, and other small items. With that concept established they could move on to seeing those quantities multiply… just as I’m looking forward to multiplying the posts for this blog.

Of course understanding "quantity" doesn’t necessarily mean you understand "quality"; understanding that is an on-going life lesson. For me writing this blog has been a creative process in itself,- trial and a lot of error- and fun. If you have been reading this blog from the first post, I hope you have seen the unfoldment of themes and a logical progression of thought. My goal is to provide inspiration to: 1) either begin a creative endeavor or push a loved “hobby” to new heights, 2) appreciate and respect the creativity of others, and 3) see that there is creativity everywhere! It “cross pollinates” when we absorb it and then bring that new inspiration to our own work. (It would also be especially heartwarming if people who appreciate a good pun, random observations, and an occasional corny joke have found their way to this blog.)

Thank you, dear readers. I know there’s a lot to fill your day and the number of blogs out there  multiplies by 100 continuously. I appreciate that you take the time to see what I’ve shared. I will keep trying to make it worth your while to “stay tuned”.


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