In the Twin City Neighborhoods (3 of 3)

Before leaving the Twin Cities, I 'd like to say what a really cool place it is. Scattered around in neighborhoods all over you will find little library boxes in front of homes. People have decorated their own versions of these small enclosed boxes designed to share the gift of reading. The motto of this movement is "Take a book, leave a book".

This appeals to me on so many levels. First the bibliophile (lover of books) in me is thrilled that people are sharing books in this way. In my opinion nothing beats holding a book in your hands and diving in to it's contents. One of the greatest gifts we can give to someone is the ability to read, which opens worlds and exposes us to new concepts and ideas.

I also love that this is a part of a larger movement focused on recycling. Not only are readers sharing a good book, they are giving it multiple opportunities to have an impact. When someone reads a book an instant bridge is built with the author and with those who have also read it. We then have a common experience, a connection to each other that may not have previously existed. That can only make a community stronger.

For background on this very cool movement, check out this link:


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