Ability to be Creative

Ability, (noun)- aptitude, intelligence, innate qualities, powers, potency, talent, capability, competence, proficiency, knowledge, technique, craft, skill, dexterity, artistry, facility, mastery, experience,understanding, faculty

This is a partial listing of the synonyms for the word "ability" in Webster's New World Thesaurus.

It seems to me that these words can be divided into two categories. The first category would be nouns which people generally think of as qualities that come naturally to the individual- "innate qualities". I propose that everyone has intelligence, capability, dexterity, even artistry, though some might say people possess them in varying degrees, and in different combinations. But isn't that called "individuality"?

Now consider the second group of words. These are nouns that can be acquired: knowledge, experience, technique, skills, mastery. These are things you have with practice!

If you have ever thought "I can't be creative, I don't have any ability", please think of the balance between these two groups of words. The qualities that are natural to you, are also unique to you in the way you combine and express them. The qualities that will fill out your "ability" to be creative come from putting those natural qualities to use, applying them to a specific pursuit and gaining proficiency.

The only thing that would stand in the way of our being creative is believing we don't have the ability to start the process.


  1. I love how you broke down these words and phrases. I am always trying to show my students that everyone has the ability to be creative. The concept of individuality is a great way of looking at the varying degrees and combinations of these qualities that people believe they posses.

    1. Exactly what I was getting at! The focus on cherishing and expressing our individuality is freeing. We all need to get past stumbling blocks like comparing our efforts against others' and harsh self-criticism... then we can really get creative.


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