Time to Refresh    (1 of 3)

Last summer I set out on a three pronged mission to use up some of my accumulated fabric, try a new pattern, and find a portable project to take on vacation. Looking through my quilt "stash", I found a collection of mini prints in a rainbow of colors, some of which had accompanied us on our westward migration.

Clearly I couldn't decide on which color I liked- so I got a bit of all three.

 Leftovers- these sweet rose buds were used in multiple quilts and 
Grandma made a spring dress for my oldest with the daisies.

These memories started to suggest a vintage theme to me. I always liked the nostalgic feeling of the quilt pattern known as "Grandma's Garden".  But I wasn't interested in dealing with lots of little pieces. So, I settled on enlarging the hexagon quilt block. I planned to randomly piece them together, which put the retro feel of the fabrics in a more modern setting.

The colors for this quilt came from the warm side of the color wheel: warm greens, then cream/ yellow, into orange/peach, pink and patterns with purples that were close to pink. Basically, it's a warm rainbow that doesn't include anything in the blue spectrum. You will see that the overall look will end up being a reflection of the quantity of any one of these colors, which will dominate the others.


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