On the First Page  (4 of 5)

 Something in the program for this show caught my eye. It comes from the Directors Welcome: "Like most handmade craft, needlepoint offers a meditative opportunity..."

A meditative opportunity. How many of those do we have in the day?  If those moments are important to us, we "make the time" for them. This quote gave me pause because it links the activity with a sense of replenishing our inspiration, regaining our equilibrium, putting things in perspective and establishing a sense of peace. Who couldn't use a few moments like that?

This is not a gender thing. At this show and the quilts shows I've written about recently, there are men and women taking the time to pursue these creative avenues, and their work reflects their individualities. Clearly there is something deeply rewarding in this process, and it's not always about the end result.


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