A Peak in the Linen Closet

Through the years I've tried a good many quilt patterns, which means we have a good many quilts. My husband is fond of gently reminding me that we do live in a climate where so many quilts are not really necessary... but that's not the point of creating them. A full closet means we can rotate the quilts from time to time to match the season or mood, and our kids have even been known to select a quilt to please an overnight visitor. One of my kids even suggested the title and theme of this post. I hope you think it's a fun idea.

Since we are going into spring and Easter is this weekend, I chose this quilt, which was created in 2000, for its colors. The pattern is from the first quilting book I ever purchased; Quilting for People Who Don't Have Time to Quilt by Marti Michell. This book opened up a whole new world by introducing rotary cutting to me and making the process easier than cutting fabric with shears. (see footnote)

(A signature on the back is a like a waymarker on your journey.)

I revisited this pattern in 2016, used batik fabrics and gave it a little twist.

 Interesting what a change in color palette can do, isn't it?

Footnote: If you are unfamiliar with a rotary cutter, it's a pizza cutter for fabric. This is a pretty simple model:


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