Genesis of my Blog
From what I hear, blogging usually begins with the germ of an idea. For me, this possibility began to take shape after an especially productive period of quilting in 2017. When the last stitch was sewn, I realized I had inadvertently documented the decision making process through the eyes of my cell phone and iPad. At several points in creating these quilts I had taken pictures of my choices so I could compare them, decide what appealed to me, then move forward. Before I knew it, there was the process of creating, and I thought “I wonder if anybody else would find this interesting?”

Then came a “catch up” call with my sister, Holly, who works in ceramics. As we were sharing our latest creative pursuits, the conversation turned to staying productive and the challenge of generating new ideas. The question naturally popped up: “How?” OK, here was someone who would be interested in an examination of the creative process... but you kind of hope that your relatives will be a guaranteed supportive audience. 

Now I know there are already tons of resources on how to be creative. And I absolutely expect that this new project will unfold in ways I may not even imagine yet. The point is I still have this series of quilts and the concept of looking at the evolution of creativity. It won’t go away, instead it is gaining momentum. So I’ve decided to take the advice of Nike (a great corporate motivator) and “Just Do IT”!  We’ll see where it takes us.  


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