Aaaaand....Ta Da!     (5 of 5)

I wish I had taken a photo of all the scraps left after 3 wall hangings and a lap quilt. 36 neckties and several yards of cream silk = piles of thin strips, awkward triangles, little squares and other shapes that defied labels. Anything that couldn't support a durable margin for seaming, and still show off at least a half inch of fabric, found its way to the circular file. What remained seemed really precious to me; 1) because it was from my dads ties, and 2) because I can be, well,... um, what's the right word here?...frugal. Even with my trusty coupons, that silk was a small fortune. I couldn’t bring myself to throw out any of it. 

Why not put it all to good use? What came to mind was the quilt you see in the banner of this blog, (special thanks to my quilting buddy Sara for the idea/tutorial):

                      Front and back- use up all that fabric, then you can start a new collection!

Randomly connecting pieces for the final wall hanging, it started to look like someone had shredded a bunch of ties and the end result actually looks like confetti falling- a fitting end to a series of quilts which pay tribute to a man who, in my view, deserved a ticker tape parade.

PS- Sometimes people will look at a finished product and wonder how long it took to create. In case that question crossed your mind, I started pulling apart the first tie as we turn the calendar to 2017. By the time I went to visit my mom in mid April they were all completed, except for the clean up job of trimming threads and giving them labels.


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