Just Finished !

Ghana Batik Study #1 My design exploration continues to expand with this newly completed piece. The solid shapes are echo quilted by hand. In the pale grey background, I have repeated the fabric pattern with embroidery floss. This gives it texture and interest. For several years, I have held on to this piece of hand batiked fabric that a family member brought back from a trip to Ghana. It never felt like it fit in a traditional quilt. It was really waiting to be part of something really dynamic. So as I've continued to play with the spaces and shapes that have evolved from working with the letter "Q," this fabric was in the back of my mind. It has a wonderful flow that seems to enhance the motion of this particular design. The uncut fabric- so much going on here! I like this fabric so much that I can't throw the cut pieces in my scrap box. They are calling for an improv piece. So I best get started on the next adventure, . . .