Celebrating 5 Years!!!

This week marks my fifth year of writing this blog. It hardly seems possible! Confetti for Captain Klementz, 2017 My first posts centered around a series of wall hangings I made from my father's neckties in 2017. For the first couple of quilts I used traditional patterns. Then I was left with a pile of silk remnants and this quilt was created, - even the necktie designer's labels were incorporated. Somehow this became a pivotal moment; it felt like there had been a shift in how I thought about quilting. This was a quilt I would consider displaying as art. The whole process was energizing. A desire to share this experience and what I had learned started to grow, and more ideas about creativity came to mind. After much debating with myself, and asking everybody else for their opinions, I finally took the plunge. This blog was started with the goal of fostering and inspiring creativity. I decided to be as consistent as possible in posting every week. In 5 years I missed 7...